Saturday, February 6, 2010

Where I came from to Get to Where I Am

Where I came from to Get to Where I Am

Friday, February 5, 2010

Got a Business Ray Higdon has Catching my Eye!

Today I was checking out some stuff from Ray Higdon, he is a guy I have been following on Facebook and Twitter for awhile. He has a awesome energy about him, and I love watching him promote. Which brings us to the opportunity I am looking at. I am not selling this for you to join, and I am not acting as a affiliate to Ray. It is just something I am looking at and very well may be joining up with very soon. It is The Numis Network, and they are in Network Marketing and there product is Gold and Silver Coins. Now what has me so into wanting to know more is that they have a product that you can look at in 5 or however many years you want and no that you still have something of value. Weather it is of lots more value or even alot less than what you paid for it. At least it has some sort of value. So many of the other MLM's that I have seen and some I have even been apart of, example the Juices, the pills, anti-aging products, all the powders. Well in most cases you have already consumed those products 5 years down the road, and if not they are diffidently no longer of any value let alone of any use at all. There are in most cases expired and if you were to use them it would make you sick 5 years from now. In most cases I have been involved you had 30 days to drink all the Power Juices, and after that they can't be sold or consumed.

So what I see so far is a company offering a product that acts as a investment, and I looked at many videos from Ray thru YouTube that explained this company and all the benifits that go along with it.

And the compensation plan is a Binary, but with a added twist, that makes much more impressive than most Binary's out there. You make money off both legs in your team, not just your weakest. (Which has always caused me to stay away from all Binary plans, actually) So I will be back soon with more info on this company, right now I have to try and sell it to my Wife so I can have the $299 to get set up, which seems like a very reasonable price for what they give you. Thanks Ray and I will continue to listen to your stuff, I like him, and I know if I saw him in the street I would want to hang with him. He loves helping positive folks, and POSITIVE is what I am. (even if I haven't always hit the luckiest spots, and most people say, What the Hell are you so Happy about) I tell folks I am working on building a Stay at Home Business from Home where I Market Online Merchandise, it is going to make my stinking RICH. Some, most laugh, but as long as I keep my attitude nothing will stop my dreams.

Good Day to Anyone Who Reads This,
Duncan Bracey (TheBraceyGroup)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

"How to Stay In the Forward Position" while working in affiliate marketing from home

Sometimes I know for myself I find it easy to sometimes sloooow way down this time of the year. Where I am in Eastern NC in the Winter when we get fininshed with the holidays, if we ever get any snow, and I mean even in the forecast, everything comes to a skreaching halt. And I happen to fall in the catagory of one of the people who absolutely loves it when it snows. I have been like that for as long as I can remember. It use to be for the reason that school was out when I was young. Then later in life it was due to the fact that I would more than likely be able to miss work since most retail and other local businesses follow the school closing schedule. And even if they didn't you could always say you just lived where there was no way anyone could get in and out of your road. But this brings me to where I am today, working for myself from the comfort of my Home Office. Where no matter what the weather is like I can work everyday, even if my internet may be out, there is always some business related issues that I can take care of.
Right now I am not in the position in my Home Business where I can take days off and relax. Yes I hope to one day be at that point. But I am in my first year and I am in the learning stage of this game. I know that we all here about all the business opportunity that is on the internet today that can have us up and running our own business in 'just a few clicks' but I learned very fast in this business that if you want to be one of the successful ones in this line of work that those are farthest from the truth. Actually I shouldn't say they are not all scams, beacause the way they are worded is sometimes true, however it is more misleading I guess you can say. The fact may be that you could have your business set up in 3 easy steps and for some chance maybe somebody somewhere has made a bunch of money without doing any work. But all the business I am involved in don't claim that mess. They will tell you if you want to succeed, then you are going to have to put forth some effort. And the more you put forth then the more you will get back in return. I have one business I have been concentrating on mostly lately that will show you that if you put forth the effort like the founder does money can be made he even puts his money where his mouth is, so to speak, by earning you at least $125 within your first 24hrs of signing up. I know thats hard to believe but it is true I saw it with my own eyes. Go here for proof!
And wouldn't you know I still have seemed to drag my feet these past few weeks, because of this winter weather.
But the best thing about this posting of this Blog, it has giving me the drive to get back in my building of my business. You see I have along ways to go. And I just wanna tell all my readers that no matter what. If you wanna make it in this business, and never have to go work for someone else then you too can. Anyone can if they want it bad enough. You just have to make a decision in your life. FULL FORCE AHEAD!!!!!! That's my motto! See ya next time.
Duncan Bracey (TheBraceyGroup)